Carnation Bouquet



Carnation Bouquet is a detailed depiction of two beautiful carnations.

To make this art quilt, trace the downloadable outline design onto fabric using a light box or cut the paper pattern to make applique pieces. You may use the 13” x 13” size or resize smaller or larger. You have permission to change the size but not to be used for resale. We suggest a variety of art quilt techniques.

1) Paint the fabric using Jacquard paints. Cover the paint area with a teflon sheet and Heat Set the paint. Then plan a quilting design pattern for quilting on a longarm or domestic sewing machine.

2) The background blocks can be modified as you go. Add more or less number of blocks as you choose to do.

3) A different background fabric will give the design a completely different look.

Use this downloadable 13 x 13 PDF outline to trace the image onto your choice of fabric, monk’s cloth, or use other techniques.
Your purchase includes the downloadable outline, a color page pattern, and a pattern color guide page.

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