How To Make Hanging Sleeves

It’s quite simple to make a hanging sleeve for your quilt. Here is how:

  1. AFTER you have finished the quilting sandwich and BEFORE you bind your quilt,

  2. Cut a piece of fabric (matching your backing) to be 8-1/2 inches by ____ (the width of your quilt minus 2 inches).

  3. Finish the ends nicely by turning the fabric in on one end by about 1/8”, press and turn it in again about the same amount. Press and stitch down with a zig-zag stitch. Do this for both side ends. Next, fold the fabric, wrong sides together, making it 4-1/4”. Press. Using Taylor’s chalk, mark a line about 1/2” away from the pressed crease on one side. The marked line should be on the back of the sleeve and be facing the back of the quilt.

  4. Pin the sleeve to the back of your quilt and stitch the binding onto the front of your quilt. This stitches the sleeve in place with the same action.

  5. Now, all you have to do with your sleeve is hand stitch the backs of the sides to the back of the quilt to hold sides in place. Then hand stitch the bottom of the sleeve to the quilt back - NOT where the pressed crease is but where the chalk line is.


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